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Designlamps RSS Feed

17 Mar What Size Picture Light Should I Choose?
Lampkompaniet 0 34
Sometimes it’s ridiculously hard to know what size picture lighting you should have!Should it be as wide as the entire painting?Or does it not matter at all?The simple answer is—it depends on the effect you want to achieve with your brilliant picture..
03 Mar Harte Outdoor Lighting - Premium outdoor lighting with classical designs!
03 Feb We Know Our Lights!
0 427
Whether it’s the floor lamp in the corner or the statement piece hanging over the dining table, we have the perfect lamp for you! We offer lighting in all categories!HOTEL LIGHTING – OUR FAVORITEFurnishing a hotel? We’re more than happy to help!Our p..
23 Sep Introducing Masiero | Visio!
Lampkompaniet 0 968
Here at LampKompaniet we are proud to introduce you to our new italian supplier Masiero!When it comes to lighting design, few brands manage to capture the balance between elegance, innovation, and craftsmanship like Masiero. Known for pushing the bou..
09 Sep LampKompaniets own brand: Designed Lights ❤
Lampkompaniet 0 946
When you step into a world of light and interior design, you want something that truly stands out. Something unique, something that makes your home personal.At LampKompaniet, that’s exactly what we strive for. We have created our own brand, Designed ..
Lampkompaniet 0 96
When getting new lamps or updating the lighting at home, a common question we receive is: "Is my lamp dimmable?" Having dimmable lights can be fantastic – imagine setting the perfect mood for a cozy movie night or a dinner with friends.Either the lam..
01 Jul Transform your hotel with our hotel lighting!
0 1751
Are you a hotel decorator in search of the perfect lighting?Lampkompaniet has the solution for you! We offer a wide range of lamps that are ideal for hotel environments. Whether you need lighting for the lobby, restaurant, corridors, or guest rooms, ..
26 Feb New Year, New Trends - Lighting Trends 2024
Lampkompaniet 0 3184
You planning to kick off the new year by decorating with some new lamps, but aren't sure what to go for? Here, we'll discuss relevant lighting trends that will be big in 2024.Nature-inspired Nature will truly influence how we decorate with our lamps..
22 Jan Wranovsky has done it again!
Lampkompaniet 0 4982
Wranovsky has done it again!This time they have crafted three enormous chandeliers for a horse arena. The chandeliers are from the Aristocrato collection and look wonderfully magnificent!The arena itself is 70 x 33 meters with a ceiling height of alm..
06 Nov The Kville Project
Lampkompaniet 0 5612
Hello again!As we mentioned in the previous blog, we are now Scandinavian agents for the company Wranovsky and are now offering their services here in the Nordic region. (Very exciting!)They have a wonderful range of crystal chandeliers and ceiling f..
30 Oct Bohemia Crystal Lamps - The Crystal Of All Crystals
Lampkompaniet 0 5074
LampKompaniet has recently become agent for the whole of Scandinavia for the unique chandelier company Wranovsky. Their specialty is bespoke lighting made out of bohemian crystal. Bohemian crystal is a world-renowned crystal found in the region of Bo..
04 Sep Lighting Trends 2023
Showing 1 to 12 of 21 (2 Pages)